Do Mice Hibernate in the Winter? How Do They Survive the Cold Season?

Mice do not hibernate in the winter because they do not have enough natural insulation to protect them from the cold. One of the main reasons these pests do not hibernate is that they do not have a thick layer of fat under their skin to keep warm.


They do, however, seek out warmer places to live during this time of year. Mice eat mostly plant matter and seeds during the winter months. In addition, mice are nocturnal creatures and would be awake all day if they were trying to sleep through winter.

Mouse Activity During Winter Weather

During winter, do mice hibernate? According to a study by the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), it is possible that some species do so depending on where they live.

For example, in colder climates such as Washington State and Canada, many small mammals do hibernate during the long winter months. However, in warmer climates like Arizona, mice hibernate. In fact, all do mice will seek out a warm and dry place to sleep during the winter months.

What are Mice Up to During the Winter?

Do they sleep all day and stay inside their nests, or do they find food to eat in the snow-covered land? Well, it seems that both do happen. A mouse eats a lot of seeds during the summer so its body can be prepared for what comes next, cold temperatures. It is a well-known fact that mice only hibernate once they do not find any food out there to eat or if it gets cold enough for them to go into their sleeping mode (hibernation).


If mice live near humans or buildings, then you can expect them to go out of their nests even if it snows.

What Do Mice Do During the Day to Keep Themselves Warm?

Well, it seems that they run around more than usual as if looking for food or preparing their nests.

This also means that if you feed your pet mouse (if you have one) then do not stop feeding it even if they do not hibernate in the winter. It seems that mice eat more during winter regardless of whether they do or do not hibernate.

What Do Mice Eat in the Winter? 

While some species of do mice may be more active this time of year than others due to their preference for warmer climates, they still need to eat. Mice do not hibernate in the winter as some other small mammals do, so they need to be able to find enough food any time of year.

In fact, mice become more active during this season and will forage up until dusk each day looking for tasty seeds, nuts, berries, and fruit to bring back home with them to store and eat later.

What Do Mice Eat in the Snow?

Well, mice eat bread, they do like grains. Of course, seeds are something that a mouse would go for.


Do Mice Get Inside Homes during Winter?

Yes, mice get inside homes during winter. Well, it depends on where that house is and what type of mouse you are talking about. If the home has plenty of food, then they do not mind getting into houses since they will still have enough to eat even if they do so.

There may be some exceptions though such as places with no snow or extremely cold weather, but those cases are rarer than common ones.

Signs of Mouse Infestation in Your Home During Winter

There are some signs that mice do infest a home during winter.

  • You will notice mouse droppings everywhere in the house (in places where food is available)

  • They tend to gnaw through walls and chew on materials such as wood which they use for their nests or just because they do not have anything else to eat.


Mice Infestation During Winter vs Other Seasons of The Year

There seem to be more cases of infestation when it comes to winter than other seasons throughout the year. This does not mean there are no cases at all but rather, less than usual. It seems that rodents do go inside homes regardless of what time of the year it is since people do leave doors open from time to time despite being aware that it might do so.

These animals prefer warmth rather than cold weather which makes sense considering how some places may drop below freezing degrees (32 Fahrenheit) and sometimes go above 80 plus degrees as well depending on what season we are talking about here; summer or winter.

What to Do When Mice Get Inside Your Home? 

There are several things that you do need to do if mice get inside your house.

Seal Food Sources that Attract Mice

You will have to check what type of food they are eating and make sure it is properly sealed which means it should either be in a plastic bag or any other airtight container.

Mice do tend to gnaw on materials such as wood so the best way to go around this issue would be sealing those containers tightly with no holes at all; not even small ones since rodents can chew through almost anything including concrete walls but do keep in mind how strong their teeth really are when deciding whether you can seal something up without causing damage or not.


Find their Entry Points and Seal These Areas

The next thing you do want to consider here is checking where they might be getting inside as winter is not the only time of year when they do infest a home. The idea here is to eliminate every single possible point where mice can get into your house.

If you have any holes in walls, around windows or doors etc., then do apply some strong sealant that will allow no air and moisture through it (water might cause mould which is bad for people so do not leave those places wet unless there is an actual reason why water would be dripping from them).

Seal Pet Food

If you have pet food inside that house then this should also be sealed up away from rodents since they do tend to try out new foods whenever they find something interesting enough.

How to Prevent Mice from Getting Inside Your Home During Winter

Well, then do not leave your doors open for too long a time if there is no one at home during winter since rodents do go inside homes regardless of whether people are present. They use their noses to smell out things so you will know when something gets into your house once they start gnawing through walls, chewing wood materials such as bookshelves and chew on wires leaving them exposed which could do harm to you or your family members.


Aside from closing all doors and sealing all potential attractants, you might as well add traps around your home. Some products we recommend are:

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Tomcat Mouse Wood Traps 4-Pack
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Tomcat Single Live Catch Mouse Trap
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Heavy Duty Multi-Catch Live Mouse Trap
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Victor Mouse Glue Tray (2Pk)