Mole Pest Identification

Moles have small eyes and ears. These furry creatures weigh between three and six ounces. They have emaciated hind legs and powerful forelegs that help them dig briskly in the ground. Moles are often grey in colour and they are usually between six and eight inches in length.

Six species of moles can be found in Canada. Moles have dense velvety fur, cylindrical bodies, and mobile snouts that have fingerlike appendages.

Their five-toed feet display varying degrees of burrowing or swimming adaptation. Moles are active in mating during spring and gestation lasts four to six weeks.

Their active years lasts for about three to four years. Litters average two to five young. Canadian species are mostly subterranean and mainly eat soil invertebrates.

Moles love soft soil with many earthworms and invertebrates that they can eat. They consume a wide range of grubs and nuts as well. Moles also eat insects that may be found around your landscape or in the garden.

Threat Posed by Moles

Moles may not directly pose any threat to your family’s health. However, they can damage your landscaping and lawn. They dig mole tunnels under the grass, which can weaken the surface of the soil and cause it to feel spongy.

These small creatures create underground tunnels that leave small mole mounds of soil, which can negatively affect the root system of the plants, flower beds, and grass in your garden. You need to spend a lot of money on landscaping repairs. Mole tunnels can also reduce the aesthetic appeal and value of your lawn.

Signs of a Mole Pest Infestation

The most important step in dealing with moles is to properly detect its presence and find the main mole tunnels or runways that they use. The main tunnel or runway can be determined by the mounds of soil they make.

To find a mole tunnel that is frequently used, clear away one of these mounds and look for the opening. It’s usually a short route that leads down to the main tunnel. You can place a Victor mole trap in this tunnel. 

Moles remain mostly underground, but these garden pests show signs of damage and activity. If you want to rid of moles, you need to catch the infestation early before they cause a lot of damage to the landscape. Check with the local extension office to know if moles are protected before you trap or kill them. Here are the signs of a mole infestation.


If you see molehills in your property, it’s a sign that moles are digging under the garden or lawn. Molehills are small heaps of dirt that rest on top of your turf. Most of the molehills are only a few inches tall. Their sizes vary.

Moles have to remove the dirt as they dig tunnels in the lawn. The small hills are how they get rid of the dirt. You may see a few hills when these pests first invade your yard. Moles hastily make more molehills throughout your lawn as they continue burrowing.


Moles burrow underground, but the tunnels they make are often noticeable above ground. These tunnels often appear as raised areas along the run. A travel tunnel goes deeper into the earth and follows a straight line. It’s often found along the edge of a building or property.

A feeder tunnel, on the other hand, is nearer the surface where the moles can reach the insects they consume. The runs usually twist around the garden where the moles go to find a food source.

They use the feeder tunnels only for a short period of time until there’s no longer a supply of insects. An older feeder tunnel is often concealed by dying grass as the roots are damaged by these garden pests.

Plant Damage

The burrowing activities of moles cause damage to the grass and plants. They displace soil around plant roots and bulbs as they dig, causing the exposed root to become dry and the affected plants to die. Mole tunnels can displace or shift the plants in the garden. Moles usually eat worms and insects, but they may also consume plant bulbs or roots.

How to Control Moles

DIY mole control might cause more damage to the landscaping or garden than to the moles. To control a mole problem is a complex process. If you don’t have any idea about what you should do, it is best that you call a pest control professional to deal with the problem for you.

They have the tools and knowledge to eliminate the moles in your garden. If you see mounds of soil on your lawn, you should call a pest control professional so that they can inspect the problem and properly get rid of the moles for you.