What are Overwintering Pests that Can Invade Your Home?

Plants, birds, and pests all go through the process of overwintering. However, most of the time, this term is used for most pests. The process is done by finding a place that is warm and they can call home to survive the cold season. In most cases, their newfound home is also your home.

What Does It Mean?

Pests will usually enter home or business structures, soil, mulch, or leaves to get the protection they need during the cold months. They see your home as a place to spend their “winter vacation.” At times, they will get in your home through cracks and crevices. They can even enter your home through damaged doors and windows and other possible entry points around your home.

Bugs often start emerging from their hiding spaces once the spring season begins. This is the main reason why you’ll notice the increase in their population during this season. Most of the time, you might not have noticed them, but they have been in your property all along.

Types of Pests that Overwinter

Among the common overwintering pests that may infest your home are the following:

·         Boxelder Bugs

These pests are known to gather on warm areas of structures prior to moving indoors. They tend to overwinter in small holes or cracks. The fecal material of these bugs may stain furniture or fabric. At times, they may bite when handled that may cause irritation.

·         Cluster Flies

As the name implies, these pests cluster or gather and swarm around windows, especially on warm days. They escape their homes and hide indoors throughout winter. Though these are harmless, they can become annoying.

·         Stink Bugs

These brown marmorated bugs along with western conifer seed bug can spread quickly. They spend most of their life outdoors. However, they can become a nuisance because of their smell when they enter homes.

·         Asian Lady Beetles

Though this type of beetle poses minimal threats, there are times when these multi-coloured beetles can worsen cases of asthma. They can also cause types of allergic reactions. These bugs excrete a yellow staining liquid with a foul odour.

Keeping these pests in mind, you’ll have an idea on what insects are commonly seeking shelter before the cold months start. If you want to prevent an infestation, it is ideal that you prepare your home before they get into your home.

Importance of a Pest Management Plan to Control and Treat These Pests

There are several pest control options that you can do to prevent these insects from finding shelter in your home during winter. Some of these are:

  • Inspect for holes, cracks, and damages on possible entry points around your home. Seal these parts with a caulking gun before pests find these areas.
  • Cover vents and downspouts so pests won’t access these areas.
  • Cut tree branches that are touching any part of your home. These can be used by pests as a bridge to get in your home.
  • Remove trees or anything that attracts them inside your home.
  • Make sure that there are no debris or clutter in your property that may attract these pests. Keep your trash bins sealed at all times.
With these simple preparation methods, you can prevent an infestation from happening. It can also help in minimizing the occurrence of pests and even wildlife in your property.