Victor Mouse Trap Setup

Victor is a known brand when it comes to mouse traps and is a go-to name when it comes to dealing with mice infestation by homeowners. Their traps offer a straightforward design that provides install results. These traps take pride in offering instant rodent control and preventing an infestation from getting worse.

What makes the traps from Victor interesting is that you can choose from traditional traps to modern ones. You just have to choose which one you think is best for your needs. In this article, you will learn how to set up different mouse traps like snap traps, glue traps, and other types of mouse traps from Victor.


Most of the designs are made to ensure an increase in catch rates. This means that an infestation is more likely to end in a shorter period especially when the traps are strategically placed around the infested property.

Also, you get to choose from mouse traps that are pre-baited or go for those that you can set up and add baits. These traps are usually poison-free and have a non-toxic design, which is an ideal option for those wanting to achieve effective rodent control in their homes or business establishments.

What are Victor Mouse Traps Made of?

The mouse traps made by Victor are made in the US and are FSC certified. This is a century-old brand that is trusted in the pest control industry. For wood traps, each trap has a platform that is made from environmentally sourced wood that is certified by Forest Stewardship Council. FSC is the organization responsible for helping ensure that forests across the globe are managed responsibly.

Its mechanism is pretty easy. Once the rodent triggers the trap’s pedal, it will immediately spring close to get rid of the pest. Make sure that you check it regularly to see if you caught any mice. Whenever you see that the traps caught rodents, simply throw the entire trap to get an easy and fast cleanup. You can also choose to dispose of the dead mouse and then reuse the trap.


How to Setup a Victor Mouse Trap

The directions below for setting up a Victor mouse trap can be used for different variants such as Victor Metal Pedal Mouse Trap 2pk (Clip Strip) and Victor Metal Trap 2pk.

1. Remove the Staple

To use the trap, you have to remove the arm bar from the trap’s packaging staple. Move the arm bar till it reaches the back of the trap, so this is hanging over the back of the trap.

2. Put a Bait on the Trap

Put an attractant to the trap with any high-protein substance like hazelnut spread, peanut butter, or chocolate. Use a q tip when placing the bait so your scent will not spread on the trap.

3. Hold It Securely

Pull the trap’s kill bar and use your thumb to hold it in place.

4. Continue Setting the Trap

Swing the arm bar over the kill bar and then latch the bend end part of the arm bar to the notch of the pedal. Release the pressure slowly from the kill bar till the arm bar is holding the kill bar as securely as possible.

Once done you can place the mouse trap in areas where rodents primary travel. This will guarantee that the rodents will smell the bait and try to access it and get trapped in an instant.

If the infestation is worse than expected, you have to place several mouse traps around the property to catch them. We recommend that you get the Victor Metal Mouse Trap-Bulk. You will save more from this and cover all the areas where there is mouse infestation.

If you are interested to get the Victor Power-Kill Mouse Trap-2pk, you can follow the steps below to set up the mouse trap.

  • Simply unhook the clip that is securing the kill bar.

  • Using a q tip, add peanut butter or other high protein attractants to the trough. You need to use a Qtip to avoid leaving your scent to the lure.

  • After the bait, pull the kill bar back until you hear a click. That means that it is already in place.

  • Make sure to place the baited end against the wall or where there is high rodent activity.

  • Once you notice that there is a dead rodent in the mouse trap, you can choose to dispose of the rodent with the mouse trap or just dispose of the dead rodent only.

You have to place these mousetraps in the right places to make sure that you catch mice that are roaming around your house or property.

Sale Off
Victor Power-Kill Mouse Trap-2pk

In addition to the mouse snap traps mentioned above, you can also resort to the use of glue traps such as Victor Mouse Glue Tray (2Pk) or Victor Mouse GlueTrap 2pk ClpStrip. Setting these up is quick and easy. All you need to do is separate the glue traps and place them along walls or areas with rodent activity.

The large surface of the traps will guarantee the ease of trapping mice quickly along with other insects. Once the rodent is trapped, they will get caught in the non-toxic glue in the trap that has a super-hold formula that securely captures even heavy mice.

Aside from these traditional mouse traps, you can also try using electric mouse traps like Victor Wifi Elec Mouse Trap and Victor Multikill Electronic Mouse Trap.

Setup for Victor Wifi Elec Mouse Trap:

  • Apply a high-protein bait like peanut butter on the bait cup and place the mouse trap in areas where there is high mouse activity and then turn it on.

  • To connect your mobile device to the mouse trap, watch the video below:

Setup for Victor Multikill Electronic Mouse Trap:

  • Remove and unwrap the four C batteries that are included in the package and place them in the battery compartment.

  • Open the top of the mouse trap and add any enticing snack using a toothpick or q-tip in the bait trough that is on the back wall of the mouse trap.

  • Close the trap’s lid and put the trap in places with noticeable activity.

  • Flip the switch to turn it on.

  • Blinking green light and short buzzing sound will indicate that the trap is working properly.

With all these options in mind, you can surely get enough mouse traps to use around your home to eliminate the mouse infestation effectively.

Sale Off
Victor Multikill Electronic Mouse Trap

How to Make Mouse Traps More Effective

There are certain things that you can do to make your chosen mousetraps more effective in trapping these rodents and achieving rodent control. These things are the following:


The most important thing that you should keep in mind when it comes to rodent control is good trap placement. Make sure that you spend time inspecting where rodents primarily travel. These areas may include behind appliances, along walls, darkened corners, and behind objects.

You must place them evenly at a set distance that can provide complete coverage. You should also place them in areas where they are nesting or running.

Make Use of Two Mouse Traps Placed Together

Make trapping more effective in locations with high mice infestation by placing two snap traps or glue traps side by side with a space of 1” between them. This will be effective in catching mice that jump over traps.


Use Enough Number of Mouse Traps

Place multiple traps around your house or property with an interval of about 2 to 10 feet apart. Use at least 2 traps on the locations mentioned above. The mice might not get caught in the first trap, but the second trap will not miss catching them.

Lures or Baits

Be strategic in putting lures or baits in your traps. Just a pea-size amount of any food is needed to attract these rodents. As much as possible, get rid of other food sources around so that their sole food source would be the baits in the traps.

Also, if you are trying to achieve rodent control in certain properties with a single type of food source like a flour mill, you can use meat as a lure to offer the mice other options. You can put different food in the baits to give the mice more options and still attract them in various parts of your property where you placed the traps.

Aggressive Trapping

The first night of trapping will be highly effective in catching a lot of mice. So, take advantage of the first night. Set out as many traps as possible to lure out more mice and catch most of them with ease.
