Bat Infestation Health Risks

It’s not every day that you get to see bats. You would often see them at dawn, dusk, or any time of night. However, in Ontario alone, there is a diverse and huge population of bats. You might see them more often in certain areas when the sun sets.

It is given that bat roosts are usually found in forests and caves. This means it is less likely for anyone to have a bat infestation at home. However, it is still possible, especially when their natural habitats are plummeting and there is a huge population in your area. They will find new roosting areas either in abandoned buildings or in your attic.

Bat infestations are definitely scary. Just the thought of flying bats in your home is scary itself, but what you might not know is that they can also bring risks to public health. There are a lot of ways to prevent wildlife animals from entering your home. However, it will take more efforts to make sure that your home will not be a new warm and cozy target for bats once the winter season starts.

Health Risks Associated with Bat Infestations

It might seem harmless to have bats in your attic, but living in a house can compromise everyone’s health. Bats can carry several health risks. You should get rid of them before they start producing and nursing their offspring in your home. Some of the serious negative effects that you should be wary are:

Interrupted Sleep

Anyone knows that sleep is crucial to maintaining optimal health. However, you might not be able to get enough hours of sleep if there are bats in your home. Since they are nocturnal animals, they will keep squeaking and fluttering throughout the night. Thus, keeping you up.

Bats usually have one entry and exit point. Most of the time, it is located in an area you can easily hear. This will keep you up late at night and wake you up early in the morning. With dozens of bats in one colony, there’s a little chance that you can tolerate their noise.

Bat Droppings or Guano

Bat feces can be detrimental to one’s health. These are known to have the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum and becomes dangerous to one’s health as soon as it dries and is inhaled. It can result in a lung infection known as histoplasmosis. It can turn into a fatal health concern once the lung infection spreads in the different parts of your body. In addition, they may also bring dust mites, fleas, as well as other insects.

Since these animals have one entry and exit point, you will find their fecal droppings in one area. It is highly recommended that you call for an expert in case you notice that there is already a hefty amount of the droppings. Make sure you don’t mistake bird droppings with the bat droppings to avoid calling for a false bat infestation in your home.

Water Contamination

This problem depends mainly on your home’s layout and where the bat roost is located. In case their roost is near your outdoor water source, bat urine and guano may contaminate water and result in a serious health problem.

Make sure that you stay away from water sources that are exposed to wild animals and are lying stagnant.


Among the health hazards associated with having bats in your house is the possibility of getting rabies. Bats come second to raccoons with the largest rabies exposure threats. It is transmitted disease in humans due to bat bites. You can also get this when you come in contact with rabid bats’ guano, urine, blood, or fur.

Though it is rare for humans to get this from bats, it is ideal that you address a possible infestation and take it seriously before it gets worse.

Fall and Slip Hazard

Health hazards are not only a problem when you come in physical contact with bats. When inspecting a potential infestation, take time to be cautious on every step you take as bat urine collected in one area may cause an accidental fall or slip.

Temperature Control

Bats usually go inside attics as it provides an ideal place to start a colony. However, their droppings can affect insulation. The guano can accidentally create an opening that will make the heat escape. It is expensive to get rid of contaminated insulation and replace the flooring, support beams, and insulation. Not knowing that these animals may affect your insulation may result in higher utility bills due to unknown insulation problems in your home.

Exterior Damage

When bats start to build their nest in the soffits, chimneys, vents, or roof of your home, it can result in serious damages to its structure. It may result in more repairs. This means that it may cost you a lot of money.

Addressing an Infestation

It might be tempting to have the bats removed on your own. You can wear protective clothing when trying to capture the bat stuck in your home. Take precautionary measures before you even grab one. Use the right traps or other pest control products. This way, you can avoid getting bitten and successfully deal with the infestation.

Though bats have a large contribution to attain ecological balance, their presence in one’s home can result in health issues and structure damages. It is ideal that you address the issue the moment you notice bats nesting in any part of your home. Deal with them using with pest control products or with the help of an expert.