ZappBug Bed Bug Heaters Canada

ZappBug Models

Bed Bug Heaters

Bed bug infestations can cause significant distress for homeowners and businesses alike, necessitating a reliable and effective solution for eradication. Enter bed bug heaters, a popular method for eliminating these pesky pests.

In this discussion, we will explore the world of bed bug heaters, focusing on the renowned ZappBug Heaters, Oven 2 and Room. Trusted by professionals in the industry, this portable heater offers a simple and efficient approach to tackling bed bug infestations. With its domestic and commercial-level capabilities and unique features, the ZappBug line of products stands out among its competitors.

So, if you’re looking for an affordable and comprehensive solution to your bed bug woes, keep reading to discover how this highly effective bed bug heater can bring you peace of mind.

Key Takeaways

  • The ZappBug heaters are a trusted and reliable solution for professionals and individuals looking to eradicate bed bugs.

  • It offers a commercial-level solution in a portable package, making it convenient for both home and business use.

  • Depending on the model, ZappBug heaters can heat a wide range of items, including clothes, bedding, shoes, electronics, and even furniture like couches and dining chairs.

  • It comes with a storage bag for easy storage, has a durable internal frame with increased capacity, and is easy to setup.

Do bed bug heaters really work?

Do bed bug heaters really work

Bed bug heaters have proven to be an effective and reliable method for eradicating bed bugs and their eggs. The use of heat treatment has been scientifically backed as an efficient way to kill bed bugs and eliminate bed bug infestations.

Bed bug heaters, such as the ZappBug Heater, provide a portable and cost-effective alternative to professional treatments.

The ZappBug Heater utilizes thermal heat technology to effectively control bed bugs and their eggs. This method has been found to be the only effective solution for eliminating these creatures. By subjecting the infested items to high temperatures, the heat treatment ensures that the bed bugs and their eggs are killed.

Scientific evidence supports the use of bed bug heaters for eradicating bed bugs. In a study conducted by the University of Minnesota, it was found that heating infested items to temperatures above 120°F (49°C) for a sustained period of time effectively kills bed bugs and their eggs. The ZappBug line of products, with its ability to reach and maintain temperatures above this threshold, provides a reliable method for controlling bed bugs.

However, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and not leave the heater unattended during operation. This ensures safety and maximizes the effectiveness of the treatment.

How do you use ZappBug?

Using the ZappBug Heater is a straightforward and efficient process for eliminating bed bugs and their eggs. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use the ZappBug Heater to effectively heat treat your belongings and solve your bed bug problem:

How do you use ZappBug

  1. Set up the heating system:

  • Place the ZappBug Heater in a well-ventilated area with enough space to accommodate your items.

  • Ensure that the included timer is connected and set to the desired treatment duration.

ZappBug Room

  1. Load your items:

  • Carefully place your belongings inside the ZappBug Heater.

  • Arrange them in a way that allows for proper heat circulation, ensuring that all areas are heated evenly.

  1. Start the heating process:

  • Close the ZappBug Heater and press the power button to initiate the heating process.

  • The heating system will gradually reach the necessary temperature to exterminate bed bugs and their eggs.

  1. Monitor the temperature:

  • Throughout the treatment, regularly monitor the temperature inside the ZappBug Heater using the built-in thermometer.

  • This will ensure that the desired heat level is maintained for the recommended duration to effectively eliminate the infestation problem.

  1. Remove treated items:

  • Once the treatment is complete, carefully remove your items from the ZappBug Heater.

  • Ensure that they have cooled down sufficiently before handling them.

Can bed bugs escape heat treatment?

Can bed bugs escape heat treatment

Bed bugs are known for their resilience, but when it comes to heat treatment, can they truly escape? In short, yes, bed bugs can escape the heat treatment if they are able to escape the area being treated. Thats why Zappbug heaters are great for bed bugs because bed bugs cannot escape the tents when fully zipped.

Heat treatment is a popular method used to eliminate bed bug infestations. It involves raising the temperature of the affected area to a level that is lethal to bed bugs and bed bug eggs. The high temperature effectively kills the pests by denaturing their proteins and dehydrating them.

Scientific evidence suggests that bed bugs cannot escape heat treatment when it is properly executed. Heat treatment typically involves raising the temperature of the affected area to around 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. At these temperatures, bed bugs and their eggs are unable to survive. The heat penetrates into cracks and crevices where bed bugs hide, ensuring that all stages of their lifecycle are eradicated.

It is important to note that the success of heat treatment depends on various factors, such as the duration and uniformity of the heat exposure. Professional bed bug heaters are designed to deliver consistent and controlled heat throughout the treatment process, minimizing the chances of escape for the bed bugs.

Bed bug heaters for sale Canada

The availability of bed bug heaters for sale in Canada provides an effective solution for eradicating bed bug infestations. These heaters utilize heat as a non-toxic method to kill bed bugs and their eggs. Scientific evidence shows that heat is the only effective solution for eliminating these creatures.

Here are some key features and benefits of bed bug heaters for sale in Canada:

  • Portable: This portable bed bug heater is suitable for use in residential or commercial locations. It is trusted by professionals and provides a commercial-level solution in a portable package.

  • Included Timer: The ZappBug Room comes with an included timer that automatically shuts off the heater, ensuring safe and efficient operation.

  • Easy to Use: Bed bug heaters for sale in Canada, such as the ZappBug Room, are simple to use with a straightforward setup and press-on operation.

  • Non-Toxic: These heaters offer a non-toxic approach to bed bug eradication, making them a safe option for both humans and the environment.

  • Effective Treatment: Zappbug products have been proven to kill bed bugs and their eggs, providing a reliable method for controlling infestations.

With the availability of bed bug heaters for sale in Canada, individuals and pest control companies have a convenient and efficient solution for eliminating bed bugs from residential or commercial spaces. These heaters offer a non-toxic and effective treatment option, providing peace of mind for those dealing with bed bug infestations.

ZappBug heaters for sale in Canada

Here you will find the 3 ZappBug models available. At, we keep a large inventory on hand of this product. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with questions.

ZappBug Heater

ZappBug Oven

ZappBug Oven

ZappBug Oven

ZappBug Room

ZappBug Room

Can I use a space heater to get rid of bed bugs?

Can I use a space heater to get rid of bed bugs

With the availability of bed bug heaters for sale in Canada, individuals and pest control companies have found a convenient and efficient solution for eliminating bed bugs from residential or commercial spaces. Now, the question arises: Can a space heater be used to effectively get rid of bed bugs?

While space heaters may generate heat, they are not designed specifically for bed bug elimination. Bed bug heaters, such as the ones included in the ZappBug line of products, have been specifically designed to reach and maintain the necessary temperature to kill bed bugs and their eggs. These specialized heaters provide a controlled environment where the temperature inside can be raised to a level that ensures that bed bugs die.

Using a space heater to treat infested items may not be effective as it may not reach the required temperature or distribute heat evenly. Additionally, it can be challenging to monitor and maintain the desired temperature throughout the treatment process.

To ensure that bed bugs are effectively eliminated and your space is bed bug-free, it is recommended to use bed bug heaters that are specifically designed for this purpose. These heaters provide the necessary heat treatment to kill bed bugs and have features such as a wireless digital thermometer to monitor the temperature inside the treatment area and ensure that all infested items are properly treated.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Bed Bug Heaters Really Effective in Getting Rid of Bed Bugs?

Bed bug heaters are highly effective in eliminating bed bugs. They utilize thermal heat technology to kill not only the bugs but also their eggs. This method is considered the most reliable and only solution for complete eradication.

How Do You Properly Use the Zappbug Heater?

To properly use the ZappBug heater, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for setup and operation. Ensure the heater is connected to a suitable power source and place the items to be treated inside. Monitor the process and follow safety precautions to effectively eliminate bed bugs.

Is There a Possibility of Bed Bugs Escaping Heat Treatment?

There is a possibility of bed bugs escaping heat treatment if proper precautions are not taken. It is crucial to ensure that the temperature reaches the necessary level and is evenly distributed throughout the treatment area to effectively eliminate all bed bugs and their eggs.

Where Can I Find Bed Bug Heaters for Sale in Canada?

You can find bed bug heaters for sale in Canada from various retailers and online marketplaces. It is important to research and compare different models to ensure you choose a reliable and effective heater for your needs.

Can I Use a Regular Space Heater to Eliminate Bed Bugs?

No, regular space heaters are not effective in eliminating bed bugs. Bed bug heaters, specifically designed for this purpose, use thermal heat technology to reach the necessary temperatures to kill bed bugs and their eggs.


In conclusion, the ZappBug Oven 2 is a reliable and effective solution for bed bug infestations. Its commercial-level capabilities make it suitable for both homeowners and businesses, offering a portable and affordable alternative to professional heat treatments.

With its durable internal frame and larger capacity, it efficiently utilizes space and can treat a wide range of items. Whether dealing with a small or large infestation, the ZappBug Oven 2 provides peace of mind and comprehensive treatment.