Bee, Wasp and Hornet Control

Though bees are beneficial to the environment, there are times when they become a threat. Since they have stingers, anyone stung by them can develop severe allergic reactions. The reactions can be worse when you come across other sting insects like wasps and hornets.

To achieve successful results with your efforts to control an infestation, it is essential that you know how to differentiate these insects. Since there are various species with the same streaks or combination of yellow and black colours, you have to rely on other specific characteristics. Once you’ve identified the types of wasps, you can proceed with controlling the pests.

Tips to Control Bees, Hornets and Wasps

There are several ways on how you can control these insects outside your home. The following are some of the tips you can do:

1.      Get rid of food sources outdoors.

If you love eating outside, it is necessary that you keep all your food and drinks in containers with lids. This way, you can prevent the insects from smelling the food source and coming near you.

2.      Avoid wearing floral and bright colours even inside your home.

The last thing you want to do is attract the insects even inside your home. So, it is also recommended that you don’t wear bright-coloured and floral outfits indoors and outdoors. Do this especially when the nests are still out and you haven’t treated it yet.

3.      Avoid squashing or swatting the insects.

As much as you want to swat or squash them, make sure that you don’t. Get better hornet control results by letting them go. Squashing or swatting them will only release pheromones that may incite others of their kind.

4.      Prevent attracting these insects by avoiding or minimizing the use of strong fragrances.

You don’t want these insects to assume that you are a flower or a plant. So, avoid wearing fragrances with strong scents.

5.      Keep your trash bins clean and covered.

Another outdoor attractant is your trash bins. Make sure that you keep them clean and covered at all times. The smell and even leftover food can attract these insects and make your home suitable as a nesting ground.

Manage Bees, Wasps and Hornets

Since you can now minimize the number of these insects attracted to your home, you can start managing the ones that are already in your property. Start by doing the following:

1.      Find their nests and get powerful wasp and hornet sprays, dust, or wettable powder.

Sprays are ideal for hanging wasp hornet or yellow jacket nests. This will allow you to apply the insecticide without the threat of getting attacked easily.

Dust and wettable powder can be used for nests that are built underground. You can apply some of the powder directly to the entrance of the nest to kill the insects.

2.      Do the treatment at night.

Yellow jackets and hornets are the worst ones you can deal with. They are more challenging since they extremely aggressive once threatened. Doing the treatment at night is ideal since they are less aggressive during such hours.

3.      Avoid breaking the hornets’ nests or wasp nests.

You don’t want the angry insects coming at you while treating their nest, so be careful not to break it. If you fail to do this, all the wasps will scatter and start stinging you in all directions.

4.      Never stand below or near a nest during the treatment.

It is ideal that you don’t stand below the nest, as insects tend to fall instantly when they get in contact with the chemical. Even if the nest is underground, standing away from the hole is still recommended to avoid getting attacked by the insects.

5.      Prevent reinfestation by sealing cracks and holes

Once you’ve successfully removed nests and the insects at one place, make sure that you seal the cracks and holes. Check around your home for other potential places where they can build nests. Seal them to avoid another infestation.

With these steps, you already have an idea on how to handle an infestation. However, you must keep in mind that you should always deal with the nests with caution.

Wear thick clothing and avoid touching the nest while you haven’t used any treatment yet. At night, try not to use any light when going near the nests. Prevent a bee, hornet, or wasp sting by putting the light aside. You can also cover the light in red since these insects can’t see this particular colour.

When is a Treatment Badly Needed?

Though these insects are beneficial, they aren’t when there is too much. Also, it can be much of a nuisance if the nests are built in areas where there are frequent human activities.

You can let these insects roam outside if you are able to control them and prevent them from coming inside your home. However, if the nests are found inside your home like your chimney, attic or basement, making a pest control plan is necessary.

Aside from the annoying buzzing sound, it might require medical attention from time to time when one or two in the family are stung accidentally. This can pose a big health risk, especially for those with a serious allergy to stings and bites.

You can try natural ways to get rid of them or control them. This may take some time to work, but they will slowly decrease the number of bees, wasps, or hornets present. When the situation is beyond control, calling an exterminator can be your last resort.