Flies Identification: Identifying Various Types of Flies

Flies have notable differences in terms of colour, shape, and size. Since it is easy to confuse fly with other types of pests, proper fly identification can help homeowners choose the right pest control methods to use.

Most fly species don’t pose any harm, with some even helping the environment by acting as pollinators. But, there are some flies that indicate problems with moisture, cleanliness, and wildlife inside a house and others may even bite and spread bacteria. Flies have breeding sites and habitats in places abundant with moist and organic materials as well as water sources like drains, animal pet feces, streams, soiled garbage containers, and marshes.

Here are the most common fly species today:

House Fly

House flies have been found to be major disease carriers that can infest almost all kinds of premises. This particular species is attracted to all kinds of food, from human food to animal feed, pet food, food waste, and feces. The number one sign of activity as well as a potential problem is seeing adult house flies. You may even see larvae crawl out of their breeding site to pupate.

Cluster Fly

It is common to find and see cluster flies in undisturbed and quiet areas around your house, including wall voids and attics. This species needs warm spots where they can hibernate during winter months. You may spot a large group of these cluster flies around the window of your house because they tend to be attracted to light during sunny days of winter.

Filter Fly

These flies are usually linked with sewage beds wherein the larvae feed on the moist organic matter that looks like sludge. These flies are also called in different names, including moth fly, sewage fly, and drain flies, just to name a few.

Face Fly

Face flies are among the hardest to control when it comes to pasture pests. These flies stay on cattle for a short time during daytime, mostly staying on the head that makes it hard to treat using insecticides. A face fly uses the abrasive sponging part on the mouth that stimulates the flow of tear from the eyes.

The flies feed on eye secretions rich in protein as well as saliva, nasal discharges, and blood coming from wounds. When not staying on animals, they rest on fence posts, plants, and other objects.

Fruit Fly

Fruit flies commonly infest fruits and hover around the fermenting residues in fruit orchards, vegetable breweries and pots, and pubs. They are prominently known for their red eyes and are commonly found in restaurants, homes, and supermarkets.

Blue bottle Fly

Also called blow fly, blue bottle flies can be seen lingering around dustbins. Dead animals and pet feces attract these scavengers that make them known disease carriers. They got their name from the iridescent colours of their body that resemble coloured bottles.

Fungus Gnats

A fungus gnat is a tiny fly associated with potted house plants. This tiny fly flies up every time you water the plants.

Horse Fly

Horse flies are livestock pests. Some animals suffer from decreased weight gain when relentlessly bitten by the females. A male horse fly primarily feeds on nectar and pollen and is most active during daytime.

Bites from a horse fly can be extremely painful even for humans. Their mouth part works like small knives used to slash the skin open with scissor-like motion.

Flesh Fly

With an appearance that resembles house flies but is generally larger, a flesh fly is gray coloured with a checkerboard pattern on the upper part of the abdomen. There are three stripes of black colour running along the thorax’s top surface, with reddish-brown abdomen tip at times.

Sand Fly

Adult sand flies are seen during months of April through September. These dwell on sandy riverbanks that have open habitat with no shading trees. A female sand fly lays eggs in the water or in damp soil.