How to Safely Get Rid of Moles in Lawn

Signs of a mole infestation include mounds of soil in the lawn. Mole lawn damage is usually most obvious in early summer and spring as well as in the fall because this is when the moles are near the surface. They often dig at a deeper level in summer.

How to Safely Get Rid of Moles in Your Yard

Moles don’t eat the roots of turf grass or garden plants, but the raised trails and mounds of soil they create can be a nuisance. They reduce the aesthetic appeal of your garden. 

Reseeding the bald spots and pushing down the mounds of soil left behind by these garden pests is stressful and expensive. Here are some tips to help you get rid of moles in your lawn.

Mole Repellents

There are two kinds of mole repellents that you can use. A granular mole repellent is scattered over the soil surface with a drop spreader or by hand. It consists of castor oil as well as other ingredients.

Granular mole deterrents create an undesirable environment for moles by combining taste and scent cues. It doesn’t kill or poison moles, but rather forces them to leave the place.

Liquid mole repellents, on the other hand, are easier to spread than a granular repellent. You only need a hose-end sprayer to spread the product. Mixing your own liquid mole repellent using 100 percent castor oil might be less expensive for you.

If you don’t want to make your own liquid mole repellent, you can just buy one. You can find bottled mole repellents that come with a hose-end sprayer. All you have to do is to attach the product to your hose and spray the affected area.

Mole Baits

The neurotoxin that is frequently used in mole baits is bromethalin. It is toxic to wildlife and pets. Mole baits that contain this active ingredient are usually shaped like a grub or earthworm to trick moles into thinking it is a source of food.

Some mole baits are inserted down into mole hills or active mole tunnels Moles that consume the bait are killed within 2 days. Poisoning wild animals such as moles is prohibited in some states. Do your research before trying this method.

Ultrasonic Mole Spikes

This tool chases the mole out of the area using high-frequency sound waves. Most ultrasonic mole spikes are solar powered. You have to push the base of the spike down into the ground to hold it in place. Most wildlife experts, however, agree that ultrasonic mole spikes are not effective.

Mole Traps

You can use mole traps if repellents are expensive, ineffective, or too problematic. Voles can be trapped in mousetraps baited with peanut butter.

If you want to trap moles, you have to use a harpoon trap or a scissor trap. You need to push this trap into the ground along an active mole run. When a mole comes across the trap, it is triggered and the mole is killed immediately.

Consider your own moral compass to decide whether this kind of trap is something, you want to use. Some states such as Washington prohibit the use of these traps. In several other states, you have to obtain a trapping permit in order to trap moles legitimately.

What Moles Eat

Moles eat worms, subterranean insects, and grubs. They are insectivores. If you want to get rid of them, you need to understand their diet. Seven species of moles can be found in North America.

Learning how to get rid of these animals can start by eliminating any of their food sources in your property. Familiarizing a mole activity in your property will give you an advantage to prevent moles or kill moles.

These pests have black or dark brown fur. They are 6" to 8" long and have large front claws that are ideal for digging. Moles have a pink elongated nose.

Difference between Moles and Voles

Moles and voles are not the same. Common signs of voles include eaten roots, tubers and bulbs and well-worn travelling pathways on top of the turf. Moles leave raised ridges and mounds of soil in the lawn. Voles look like a mouse with a drawn-out snout.

They are active above the ground throughout the day. Voles usually live in a big colony with dozens of them. Moles, on the other hand, are solitary. Although a single mole can create a few mounds of soil, it is easier to control than a dozen of voles.

Why is there a Mole Problem on Your Lawn and Garden?

Moles are attracted to your lawn due to the number of insects in the soil. They also find it easy to dig through the ground. Most species of moles love wide, open areas to do this. Mole damage might be more extensive in huge and unobstructed lawns.

If moles are a pest problem, you should limit the time of your pets in the lawn. Moles can transmit rabies, but their biggest threat is parasites such as ticks and fleas.

Do You Need to Remove Grubs to Eliminate the Moles in Your Lawn?

Gardeners may try to remove grubs that are feeding on their turf in order to determine how to get rid of moles in their garden and yard. Moles consume grubs and they help manage oriental and Japanese beetle populations. However, removing grubs will not necessarily eliminate moles.

If you get rid of the grubs, the moles might be forced to dig more tunnels to search for food. Moles may also consume more soil-dwelling insects and earthworms. This might cause more harm than good. Grub management is not really an effective solution for mole control.

Are the Few Mounds of Soil in the Lawn Worth It?

Controlling moles in your lawn takes a lot of effort. However, it is possible if you are willing to spend the money and time to do so. Some gardeners choose to ignore the problem and do their best to remember that these critters help control various turf grass pests and aerate the lawn.

For them, moles are only an occasional nuisance. You have to decide whether moles are foes you need to get rid of or friends you should tolerate.