Types of Spiders in Canada

Spiders are always getting a bad rap. Not only haunted houses and horror movies but even your own home can turn into an official residence of these creepy crawlies.

It is not really a big surprise that people cringe and run away every time they spot a spider on the ceiling or wall. Their movements are quite unpredictable and startling. They have sticky webs and gruesome hunting methods. Spiders are even associated with many myths that make them scarier than they actually are.

The most common spiders found in Canada include the following:

Black Widow Spiders and House Spiders

The black widow and house spider belong to a similar taxonomic family. It is very common to spot a house spider in residential building. On the other hand, a black widow spider is often seen in manmade structures not inhabited by humans, including outhouses, garages, and crawl spaces.

The color of the house spider can range from nearly black to off white with noticeable markings. Their first pair of legs is almost thrice the length of its entire body. This spider builds its web under furniture pieces, in dark corners, and anywhere they can catch insects.

Black widow spider has a shiny black color and a unique red mark shaped like an hourglass on its underbelly. This spider is not aggressive, as it would flee instead of fight off an enemy. If it does bite, it is only for the purpose of defending itself. Take extra care when you work near spider webs in secluded spots and put on heavy gloves.

Cellar Spiders

A cellar spider has very long legs and they typically build webs in damp and cool areas such as basements. These spiders are harmless and you can get rid of them quickly by simply eliminating their webs and lowering the humidity of your home. A cellar spider is also called daddy long legs.

Crab Spiders

A crab spider is known for its more subdued nature and you can find them waiting for prey stealthily among flowers where it makes the most out of its natural camouflage. The red-striped crab spider in particular has an amazing ability of changing color depending on the specific flower it sits on.

You can spot these spiders easily while walking in a garden or along a trail with flowers that make them the perfect introductions to the exciting realm of spiders.

Brown Recluse Spiders

Also known as the fiddle back spider, brown recluse spider is among the most notorious arachnids in Canada. The spider lays majority of its eggs between the months of May and August.

In spite of its big reputation, this spider has a small size that can range between ¼ of an inch to ½ of an inch. These spiders are of brown color as their name implies.

The painless yet damaging bite of the recluse spider is its outstanding feature. Its venom often causes death of tissues close to the site, a process referred to as necrosis. An ulcer might also form and the healing process might not begin for 2 weeks. Complete resolution usually takes 6 to 8 weeks.

Jumping Spiders

A jumping spider has short legs and compact shape and these are often of black color with pale markings. These spiders create build retreats that are found both outdoors and indoors. They often hunt in structures around doors and windows because these areas attract more insects, not to mention that the vision of these spiders is best in areas lit up by the sun.

Outdoors, you can see a jumping spider running under boards and stones, over tree barks, and on fences, decks, bushes, and building exteriors. A jumping spider bite may be done in defense although it is not poisonous.

Unlike majority of spiders, a jumping spider is active during daytime and seems to love the sun. Their vision is the keenest out of all spiders and they can detect movement to a distance of 18”.

Fishing Spiders

A fishing spider looks like a wolf spider but their eye pattern is different. These spiders are common in houses near the water, specifically around the shorelines. They thrive on minnows and small insects but are generally harmless.

Wolf Spiders

A wolf spider is extraordinary among all spiders as this doesn’t build its webs for catching food. Instead, these spiders roam around hunting for their prey. A wolf spider can have a length of more than 1 inch, a size big for a spider with a dark brown color.

These spiders reside on the ground in woodlands, gardens, and grasslands. They mainly feed on insects. During autumn, they look for warm places that increase the chances of them entering homes during this time.

These spiders bite humans only when threatened. The venom of these spiders can cause relatively mild swelling and redness.

Orb Weavers

During autumn, the females of these classic web spinners grow in large populations for breeding purposes, with their webs highlighted by frost or dew. The cross or garden spider is the most common type of orb weavers found in Canada.

This is a gorgeous spider whose legs and abdomen are black and yellow banded with silvery carapace and resides in salt marshes. The unique trait of this spider is the bold zigzag pattern found in the middle of its web.

Theory claims that this pattern can deter larger critters from flying into the web. An orb weaver is a very common native type of spider that loves spinning its web close to porch lights that make them easy to spot by humans.

Rest assured that these orb spiders are generally harmless and even play a crucial role in pest control around your home and property. This makes them critical for ecological balance.