
Best Mouse Traps Canada
The presence of mice in the house can cause stress to everyone. Aside from this, it can also cause fear...

Mouse Glue Trap
When left unchecked, a mice infestation can cause serious damage to your home. Undetected and unattended rodent activity can result...

Humane Rat Trap
The presence of rats in your home may wreak havoc not only on your property but even on everyone’s health...

Wooden Rat Traps
Rats are among the most pervasive and unwelcome creatures coexisting with humans. Considering the damage they cause in many homes,...

Tomcat Rat Trap
One of the worst things that you may see in your home is a rat scurrying across the floor. Then...

Bugs That Look Like Ticks
Ticks are tiny creatures that are native to Midwest and North America and Canada as well as across Europe. They...

Do Ticks Fly or Jump?
Ticks are known to end up biting people in their groin or armpit. However, how can a tiny tick reach...

How to Trap a Gopher Using Victor Black Box Gopher Trap
Gophers are known to invade gardens and yards. They feed on ornamental plants, garden crops, shrubs, vines, and trees. One...

Can Dogs Get Mosquito Bites
Mosquitoes need blood for them to reproduce. They have a long stinger-like mouth that they use to pierce the skin...

Gypsy Moth Caterpillar Ontario
The gypsy moth, Lymantria Dispar Dispar or simply with the acronym LDD moth, is an invasive species native to Europe....

What are These Ants with Wings in My House?
Ants do not just crawl. These insects can also fly, so do not be surprised if you find flying ants...

What Causes Flying Ants in Your House?
When the warmer starts or during humid times of the day, you might notice flying ants swarming around lights both...

Safer's Insecticidal Soap How to Use
If you are worried about insects are present in your garden, then one of the things that might want to...

Ant Reproduction 101 - How Do Ants Reproduce
There are approximately 22,000 ant species in the world. While all of these species have slight differences, they all share...

How to Setup Tomcat Mouse Trap
If you have been noticing signs of a mouse problem in your home, then you should consider setting mouse traps...

Victor Mouse Trap Setup
Victor is a known brand when it comes to mouse traps and is a go-to name when it comes to...